- Food Safety and Rural Parents in China:Investigating an Effective Path for Risk Communication 2024-10-15
- Private vs. community management responses to de-collectivization:Illustrative cases from China 2024-10-15
- 消费理性成瘾、公共健康与政府行为——基于消费者对碳酸饮料过度消费行为的案例研究 2024-10-15
- Disamenity or premium:Do electricity transmission lines affect farmland values and housing prices differently? 2024-10-15
- 利率管制放开会加速资本的离农化吗? 2024-10-15
- 农民对气候变化的认知及适应性行为分析 2024-10-15
- 工商业资本进入农业与农村的土地流转问题研究 2024-10-15
- 价格联系、市场边界与政府干预——以小麦、玉米和食糖价格联系为例 2024-10-15
- Does Women's Knowledge of Voting Rights Affect their Voting Behaviour in Village Elections? Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial in China 2024-10-15
- 关于我国食品安全财政投入的思考及对策——基于对比分析美国的食品安全财政预算 2024-10-15
- Trust in God:The COVID‐19 Pandemic's Impact on Religiosity in China 2024-10-15
- 科学范式与现代前沿经济学 2024-10-15
- Grassland tenure, livelihood assets and pastoralists' resilience:evidence and empirical analyses from western China 2024-10-15
- Integration of migrants in poverty alleviation resettlement to urban China 2024-10-15
- 消费者对网络食品安全信息的风险感知与影响研究 2024-10-15
- 权利诉求中的实用道义意识——从理解农民选举上访信开始 2024-10-15
- Understanding environmental governance in China through Green Shield Action campaign 2024-10-15
- 基于门限效应的灌溉水价与用水量关系——以河北省地下水灌区为例 2024-10-15
- Testing the behavior of rationally inattentive consumers in a residential water market 2024-10-15
- Food versus crude oil:what do prices tell us?Evidence from China 2024-10-15