
职称:助理教授 办公室:明德主楼936 email:zhangkexin629@ruc.edu.cn 研究方向:发展经济学(Development Economics)、应用微观经济学(Applied Microeconomics)个人简介
张可心 ,女,1993年8月。2022年5月获美国波士顿大学经济学博士。主要研究领域包括:发展经济学(Development Economics)、应用微观经济学(Applied Microeconomics)等。研究成果发表在JMIR Research Protocols等国际权威学术期刊上。
2022年5月:经济学博士,文理学院,美国波士顿大学(Boston University)
2020年9月:政治经济学硕士,文理学院,美国波士顿大学(Boston University)
2016年5月:经济学学士、数学学士,文理学院,美国纽约大学(New York University)
[1] Karra, M.*, K. Zhang. “User-Centered Counseling and Male Involvement in Contraceptive Decision-Making.”JMIR Research Protocols 10(4): e24884. DOI: 10.2196/24884.
[1] Zhang, K. “The Long-run Impact of Higher Education: Evidence from the Gaokao Reinstatement in China.”
[2] Karra, M., K. Zhang.“User-Centered Counseling and Male Involvement in Contraceptive Decision Making: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Urban Malawi.”
[3] Zhang H., K. Zhang. “Long-term Exposure to Unpleasant Weather and Real Management Behaviors: Evidence from Firms in the United States.”
[4] Zhang K., Y. Pu, S. Qi.“Soft Power, Economic Development, and Spatial Spillovers of China-Africa Loans.”
2021: Northeast University Development Consortium
2021: 15th North American Meeting of the Urban Economics Association
2021: International Health Economics Association Congress
2021: Population Association of America Virtual Annual Meeting
2020: IUSSP 2nd Population, Poverty and Inequality Research Conference
2020: IUSSP Panel Meeting on Couples and Reproductive Health
[1] 副研究员(Research Associate),创新扶贫行动(Innovation for Poverty Action):非洲马拉维女性生育决策的实验研究,2018至2020
[2] 咨询师(Consultant),世界银行贫困与平等全球实践组:新冠疫情期间非洲贫困率测算研究项目(High Frequency Phone Surveys Poverty Estimation),2020至2021
[3] 咨询师(Consultant),世界银行贫困与平等全球实践组:新冠疫情期间太平洋国家高频电话调研项目(HFPS Microdata Preparation for Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea),2022
[4] 主要承担者,国家乡村振兴局:脱贫人口务工电话调研项目,2022