
职称:教授 办公室:明德主楼0504A email: j.tang@ruc.edu.cn 研究方向: 农业经济学;资源环境经济学;健康经济学个人简介
唐建军,中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院教授,教育部“长江学者”青年学者,中国人民大学吴玉章青年学者,中国农业技术经济学会青年学者委员会秘书长。2014年毕业于荷兰格罗宁根大学经济地理系,获资源与环境经济学博士学位,师从欧洲环境与资源经济学家学会(EAERE)创始人和首届主席Henk Folmer教授。博士论文获得博士就读院校的Cum Laude(优等)称号,该称号只有5%的优秀博士毕业生可获得,并获得格罗宁根大学2014年度最佳毕业论文提名,2015年度国际区域科学协会(Regional Science Association International)最佳学位论文提名。从事农业经济学、健康经济学、资源与环境政策等领域研究。主持国家自然科学基金两项。截止目前已经在中英文学术期刊发表学术论文40余篇,其中以第一作者身份或通讯作者身份在《中国农村经济》(5篇)、《中国农村观察》、Food Policy、Journal of Agricultural Economics、Agricultural Economics、Ecological Economics、Journal of Environmental Management、Habitat International、Cities、Journal of Rural Studies、Land Use Policy、Environmental Science & Policy、Science of the Total Environment等知名农业经济、农村发展、环境管理类期刊发表论文。在健康经济学领域研究成果以第一作者或通讯作者身份发表于Lancet Global Health、Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific等期刊。已发表论文总被引用1600余次,H指数为24。长期担任30余本SCI/SSCI期刊的审稿人,曾受邀赴美国、荷兰、英国、土耳其、奥地利、希腊等多个国家参加国际学术会议并做主题报告。
2018.09-2019.08,讲师,中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院,入选中国人民大学引进人才 “杰出学者计划”青年学者B岗
2014 经济学博士(优等,Cum Laude),荷兰格罗宁根大学(University of Groningen)经济地理系
2010 农业经济管理,管理学硕士,西北农林科技大学经济管理学院
2008 农林经济管理,管理学学士,西北农林科技大学经济管理学院
[1]Feng, X., Qiu, H., Liu, M., Tang, J.* (2024) Innovation of grassland ecological governance systems: Synergy between government regulation and grassroots governance. Ecological Economics 217, 108087.
[2]Tang, J., Chen, D., Qiu, H.* (2023) Does poverty alleviation resettlement improve resettlees’ subjective social status? Longitudinal evidence from China. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 103, 107285
[3]Tang J*, Yang Z, Kee F and Congdon N (2023) Time and risk preferences and the perceived effectiveness of incentives to comply with diabetic retinopathy screening among older adults with type 2 diabetes. Frontiers in Psychology 14: 1101909.
[4]Smyth, L.J., Cruise, S.M., Tang, J.*, Young, I., McGuinness, B., Kee, F., McKnight, A.J. (2023) Differential methylation in CD44 and SEC23A is associated with time preference in older individuals. Economics & Human Biology 49: 101233.
[5]Tang, J., Liu, A., Qiu, H. (2023) Early warning, adaptation to extreme weather, and attenuation of economic losses: Empirical evidence from pastoral China. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 86: 103563.
[6]Liu, H., Li, R., Zhang, Y., Zhang, K., Yusufu, M., Liu, Y., Mou, D., Chen, X., Tian, J., Li, H., Fan, S., Tang, J., Wang, N. (2023) Economic evaluation of combined population-based screening for multiple blindness-causing eye diseases in China: a cost-effectiveness analysis. Lancet Global Health 11(3): e456-465.
[7]Tang, J., Xin, M., Wang, X. (2022) Herdsmen's willingness to accept compensation for grazing ban compliance: Empirical evidence from pastoral China, Journal of Cleaner Production 361, 132102.
[8]Qiu, H., Su, L., Tang, J.*(2022) Effects of environmental regulation on rural livelihood diversification: Evidence from pastoral China. Journal of Rural Studies 95, 26-39.
[9]Tang, J., Xu, Y., Qiu, H.* (2022) Integration of migrants in poverty alleviation resettlement to urban China. Cities 120, 103501.
[10]Feng, X., Tang, J., Qiu, H.* (2022) The effect of grassland transfer on herders’ livestock production and grazing intensity in Inner Mongolia and Gansu, China. China Agricultural Economic Review 14(2), 242 - 258.
[11]Li.,R., Yang, Z., Zhang, Y., Bai, W., Du, Y., Sun, R., Tang, J.*, Wang, N.*, Liu, H.* (2022) Cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of traditional and telemedicine combined population-based age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy screening in rural and urban China. Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific 23, 100435.
[12]Tang, J., Xu, Y., Ma, W., Gao, S.* (2021) Does participation in poverty alleviation programmes increase subjective well-being? Results from a survey of rural residents in Shanxi, China. Habitat International 118 (12), 102455.
[13]Feng, X., Qiu, H., Pan, J., Tang, J. * (2021) The impact of climate change on livestock production in pastoral areas of China. Science of the Total Environment 770, 144838.
[14] Su, L., Tang, J., Qiu, H. (2021) Intended and unintended environmental consequences of grassland rental in pastoral China. Journal of Environmental Management 285, 112126.
[15] Qiu, H., Su, L., Feng, X., Tang, J.* 2020. Role of monitoring in environmental regulation: An empirical analysis of grazing restrictions in pastoral China. Environmental Science and Policy 114, 295-304.
[16] Murray, J.M., French, D.P., Kee, F., Gough, A., Tang, J., Hunter, R.F. (2020) Mechanisms of physical activity behavior change in an incentive-based intervention: Mediation analysis. Health Psychology 39(4), 281–297.
[17] Tang, J., Ren, H., Folmer, H. (2020) Subjective wellbeing as valuation system of environmental quality: an environmental social sciences approach. edited by Katrin, R., Maddison, D., Welsch, H. Handbook on wellbeing, happiness and the environment. chapter 5, 85-103.
[18] Leng, C., Ma, W., Tang, J., Zhu, Z. (2020) ICT adoption and income diversification among rural households in China. Applied Economics 52(33), 3614-3628.
[19] Wang, J., Yang, C., Ma, W., Tang, J.* (2020) Risk preference, trust, and willingness-to-accept subsidies for pro-environmental production: An investigation of hog farmers in China. Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 22, 405-431.
[20] Power, J.M., Tang, J. *, Kenny, R.A., Lawlor, B.A., Kee, F. (2020) Mediating the relationship between loneliness and cognitive function: the role of depressive and anxiety symptoms. Aging & Mental Health 24(7): 1071-1078.
[21] Liu, M., Dries, L., Huang, J., Min, S., Tang, J. * (2019) The impacts of the eco-environmental policy on grassland degradation and livestock production in Inner Mongolia, China: An empirical analysis based on the simultaneous equation model. Land Use Policy 88: 104167.
[22] Tang, J., Liang, Y. *, O'Neill, C., Kee, F., Jiang, J., Congdon, N. (2019) Cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of population-based glaucoma screening in China: a decision-analytic Markov model. Lancet Global Health 7(7), 968-978.
[23] Murray, J.M., French, D.P., Patterson, C.C., Kee, F., Gough, A., Tang, J., Hunter, R.F. (2019) Predicting Outcomes from Engagement with Specific Components of an Internet-Based Physical Activity Intervention with Financial Incentives: Process Analysis of a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 21(4): e11394.
[24] Hunter, R.F., Gough, A., Murray, J.M., Tang, J. et al. (2019). A loyalty scheme to encourage physical activity in office workers: a cluster RCT. Public Health Research, No. 7.15.
[25] Tang, J. *, Chrzanowski-Smith, O.J., Hutchinson, G., Kee, F., Hunter, R.F. (2019) Relationship between monetary delay discounting and obesity: a systematic review and meta-regression. International Journal of Obesity 43, 1135-1146.
[26] Ma, W., Renwick, A., Nie, P., Tang, J., Zhang, P. (2018) Off-farm work, smartphone use and household income: Evidence from rural China. China Economic Review 52, 80-94.
[27] Hunter, R.F., Murray, J.M., Gough, A., Tang, J., Patterson, C.C., French, D.P., McIntosh, E., Xin, Y., Kee, F. (2018) Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a loyalty scheme for physical activity behaviour change maintenance: results from a cluster randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 15: 127.
[28] Wang, J., Chu., M., Yang, C., Lam, H., Tang, J. (2018) Determinants of pesticide application: An empirical analysis with theory of planned behaviour. China Agricultural Economic Review 10(4), 608-625.
[29] Reddy, P.A., Congdon, N., et al., Tang, J., et al. (2018) Effect of Providing Near Glasses on Productivity Among Presbyopic Rural Indian Tea Workers: the PROSPER (PROductivity Study of Presbyopia Elimination in Rural-dwellers) Randomised Controlled Trial. Lancet Global Health. 6(9): e1019-e1027.
[30] Hunter, R.F.#, Tang, J.#, Hutchinson, G., Chilton, S., Holmes, D., Kee F. (2018) Association between time preference, present-bias and physical activity: implications for designing behavior change interventions. BMC Public Health 18: 1388. (#共同第一作者)
[31] McHugh, P.J., Tang, J., Lawlor, B., Kenny, R.A., Kee, F. (2018). Mediators of the relationship between social activities and cognitive function among older Irish adults: results from the Irish longitudinal study on ageing. Aging & Mental Health 22(1), 129-134.
[32] Tang, J. *, Folmer, H., Xue, J. (2016) Adoption of irrigation water-saving techniques in the Guanzhong Plain, China. Agricultural Economics 47(4): 445–455.
[33] Tang, J. *, Folmer, H. (2016) Latent versus observed variables: Analysis of irrigation water efficiency using SEM and SUR. Journal of Agricultural Economics 67(1): 173–185.
[34] Jiang, L., Folmer, H., Ji, M., Tang, J. (2016) Energy efficiency in the Chinese provinces: A fixed effects stochastic frontier-spatial Durbin error panel analysis. Annals of Regional Science 58(2): 301–319.
[35] Hunter R.F., Brennan S.F., Tang J., et al. (2016). Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a physical activity loyalty scheme for behaviour change maintenance: a cluster randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health 16: 618.
[36] Zhang, Y., van Dijk, T., Tang, J., van den Berg, A.E. (2015) Green space attachment and health: A comparative study in two urban neighborhoods. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 12(11): 14342–14363.
[37] Tang, J. *, Folmer, H., Xue, J. (2015) Technical and allocative efficiency of irrigation water use in the Guanzhong Plain, China. Food Policy 50: 43–52.
[38] Tang, J. *, Folmer, H., van der Vlist, A.J., Xue, J. (2014) The impacts of management reform on irrigation water use efficiency in the Guanzhong plain, China. Papers in Regional Science 93(2): 455–475.
[39] Tang, J. *, Folmer, H., Xue, J. (2013) Estimation of awareness and perception of water scarcity among farmers in the Guanzhong Plain, China, by means of a structural equation model. Journal of Environmental Management 126: 55–62.
[1] 高帅,程炜,唐建军*(2024)风险冲击视角下革命老区农户生计韧性研究 ——以太行革命老区为例,中国农村经济,3,107-125.
[3] 苏柳方,仇焕广,唐建军*(2021)草场流转的转入地悲剧——来自876个草场地块的微观证据,中国农村经济,3,68-85.
[6] 高帅,丛建辉,唐建军*(2020)特困地区可持续减贫:理论逻辑与实践路径,上海财经大学学报,22(6),61-75.
[7] 高帅,史婵,唐建军*(2020)基于增能赋权视角的农户贫困脆弱性缓解研究——以太行山连片特困地区为例,中国农村观察,1,61-75.
[8] 仇焕广,苏柳方,张祎彤,唐建军*(2020)风险偏好、风险感知与农户保护性耕作技术采纳,中国农村经济,7,59-79.
[9] 王建华,杨晨晨,唐建军*(2019)养殖户损失厌恶与病死猪处理行为——基于404家养殖户的现实考察,中国农村经济,4,130-144.
2023-2026, 国家自然科学基金面上项目 – “草原灾害保险的收入和生态效应研究”(项目批准号:72273147),主持人
2021-2024, 中国人民大学年度项目面上项目 – “农户极端干旱适应性措施采用行为的形成机理与风险抵御效应研究”(项目批准号:2021030038),主持人
2020-2023, 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 – “干旱预警的风险抵御和节水效应研究:基于随机对照实验的实证分析”(项目批准号:71903192),主持人
2020-2024, 国家自然科学基金重点项目 – “乡村振兴战略实施中政府与市场的关系及其协调研究”(项目批准号:71933004),主要参与人
2019-2022, 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 – “同群效应对贫困人群金融行为的影响机制研究:基于随机干预实验的实证分析”(项目批准号:71803150),主要参与人
2019-2021, 中国人民大学新教师启动金项目 – “农村老年居民健康行为激励机制研究”(项目批准号:2019030080),主持人
2015年6月–2016年7月,英国国家健康研究中心(NIHR) – “Behavioural economic field experiments among Physical Activity Loyalty Scheme participants” (Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a Physical Activity Loyalty Scheme to maintain behaviour change: A cluster randomised controlled trial (项目编号: PHR-12/211/82)), 研究经费: 11,290英镑,子课题主持人
2015年3月–7月,英国女王大学科研启动经费 – “Time preference of elderly Chinese diabetic patients”, 研究经费: 6,360英镑,项目负责人
2018,中国人民大学引进人才 “杰出学者计划”青年学者B岗
2015,国际区域科学协会(Regional Science Association International)最佳学位论文提名
Tang, J. (2014) Demand-oriented irrigation water management in northwestern China: Methodologies, empirics, institutions and policies. ISBN 978-90-367-6981-5.