
职称:副教授 办公室:明德主楼0504A email:junzhang@ruc.edu.cn 研究方向:产业经济、能源与环境经济、食品消费与健康个人简介
张君,现任中国人民大学农业与农村发展学院副教授,受聘中国人民大学“杰出学者计划”青年学者B岗。2019年毕业于美国马里兰大学帕克分校农业与资源经济系,师从马里兰大学经济系和农业与资源经济系的两位共同导师,并于当年获该系杰出博士毕业生称号(Outstanding Graduate Student)。 主要研究领域包括:产业经济(Industrial Organization)、能源与环境经济 (Energy and Environmental Economics)、食品消费与健康 (Food Demand and Health)。其研究成果发表于经济学国际一流期刊、产业经济国际顶级期刊《The Rand Journal of Economics》, 公共卫生政策国际顶级期刊《Health Services Research》, 交通政策国际顶级期刊《Transportation Research Part A》, 农业经济领域权威期刊《Food Policy》,能源经济领域权威期刊《Energy Economics》、《Energy Policy》,以及《Journal of Policy Modeling》等期刊。合著论文曾获国际产业组织会议(International Industrial Organization Conference)所颁发的最佳反垄断论文奖(The Robert F. Lanzillotti Prize for the best paper in antitrust economics),以及中国人民大学优秀科研成果奖。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,参与多项横向和纵向项目。
2019 农业与资源经济学博士(杰出博士毕业生),美国马里兰大学帕克分校(University of Maryland-College Park)
2014 农业与资源经济学硕士,美国田纳西大学诺克斯维尔分校(University of Tennessee-Knoxville)
2012 数学与应用数学,理学与经济学双学士学位,西南财经大学
Xu, Shang, and Jun Zhang* (2023). The welfare impacts of removing coal subsidies in rural China, Energy Economics, 118: 106489.
Zhang, Jun, Hongxu Shi, and Jiping Sheng* (2022). The effects of message framing on novel food introduction: Evidence from the artificial meat products in China, Food Policy, 112: 102361.
Feifei Chen, Huanguang Qiu, and Jun Zhang* (2022). Energy Consumption and Income of the Poor in Rural China: Inference for Poverty Measures, Energy Policy, 163: 112865.
Li, Sophia, Joe Mazur, Yongjoon Park, James Roberts, Andrew Sweeting, and Jun Zhang(2022). Repositioning and Market Power after Airline Mergers, The Rand Journal of Economics, 53(1):166-199. (按作者姓氏字母排序,同等贡献)
Dong, Han, Jun Zhang, and Cinzia Cirillo (2019). Exploring, Understanding, and Modeling the Reciprocal Relation between Leisure and Subjective Well-being, Transportation Research Part A:Policy and Practice, 130:813-824。
Zhang, Jun, and Steven Yen (2017). Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Food Insecurity among Families with Children, Journal of Policy Modeling, 39 (1):52–64.
Zhang, Jun, and Steven Yen (2015). Physical Activity, Gender Difference and Depressive Symptoms, Health Services Research, 50 (5):1550–1573.
2021-2023 能源税收与补贴政策对农村居民福利的影响机制研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,主持人,项目批准号:72003192
2019-2022 能源税收对居民能源消费及环境的影响:基于一般均衡模型的实证考察,中国人民大学新教师启动基金项目,主持人,项目批准号:2020030053
2019 入选中国人民大学“杰出学者计划”青年学者B岗
2019 获杰出博士毕业生(Outstanding Graduate Student), University of Maryland
2018年合著论文获The Robert F. Lanzillotti Prize for the best paper in antitrust economics (最佳反垄断论文奖), International Industrial Organization Conference (国际产业组织会议)
2018 Dean’s Fellowship, University of Maryland
2017 The John R. and Marjorie C. Moore Award, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Maryland
2016 Bessie H. DeVault Fellowship (best paper by a second-year PhD student), Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Maryland
2016 Jacob K. Goldhaber Travel Grant, Graduate School, University of Maryland
2015 Rhona Lantin Award (best paper by a first-year PhD student), Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Maryland
2014–2019 Graduate Assistantship, University of Maryland
2014 AAEA Young Professional and Graduate Student Travel Grant
2013 AAEA Young Professional and Graduate Student Travel Grant
2013 Graduate Students Senate Travel Award, University of Tennessee
2012–2014 Graduate Assistantship, University of Tennessee, 2012-2014